Thursday, February 01, 2007

2 in 1 night....warm up for VSN

It's so past my bedtime but I really wanted to get these cards done tonight.

The one on the left is for the Ways to Use It challenge. Today's centerpiece was sanding blocks...or sand paper etc. I have had these for a few week but honestly don't know what to do with them. I like the colors and DP of this card but it just did not turn out how I thought it would.

The card on the right I really like. It was for a Limited Supply bonus Challenge. Since we are in the midst of Sell-A-Bration the challenge was to use a retired SAB set. I have tons of these from the last couple of years but don't use them that much anymore. Paint Prints is my all time favorite so of course that was the set I choose.

Tomorrow night is the start of VSN, Virtual Stamp Night and I'm very excited. I have not played the last couple of times so I'm looking forward to it. Doing these tonight was my warm up to the warm up. For more info on VSN click the link to SplitCoast Challenges.

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